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I'm Gonna Get Me a Gun

by Cat Stevens

From the Album: "Matthew & Son", released in 1967 and the single "I'm Gonna Get Me a Gun"

(1) I've been demoralized too many times
But now I realize, Ah ah, no more.
I'm gonna get me a gun
I'm gonna get me a gun
And all those people who put me down
You better get ready to run,
'cause I'm gonna get me a gun

(2) I know my destiny is like the sun
You see the best of me when I have got my gun
I'm gonna get me a gun
I'm gonna get me a gun
And all those people who put me down
You better get ready to run,
'cause I'm gonna get me a gun

(3) So you think you can push me around
And make me run
Well I'm gonna tell you now
I'm gonna get me a gun
I'm gonna get me a gun
And all those people who put me down
You better get ready to run,
'cause I'm gonna get me a gun

Gonna get me a gun

Interessante englische Songtexte mit deutschen Übersetzungen

Vocabulary Aids

demoralized - discouraged, without hope or confidence

Ich werde mir eine Knarre besorgen

von Cat Stevens

Deutsche Übersetzung © von Volker Pöhls

Ich bin schon zu oft demoralisiert worden
Aber jetzt wird mir klar: jetzt ist Schluss damit.
Ich werde mir eine Knarre besorgen
Ich werde mir eine Knarre besorgen
Und all diese Leute, die mich runtergemacht haben,
Macht euch bereit wegzurennen,
denn ich hol mir eine Knarre.

Ich weiß, mein Schicksal ist wie die Sonne
Ihr werdet sehen, was ich kann, wenn ich meine Wumme habe

Ihr glaubt also, dass ihr mich herumschubsen und wegjagen könnt
Ich sag euch jetzt mal was:
Ich besorg mir ein Gewehr.

Talking Points

  1. Why is he going to get himself a gun? Quote from the lyrics and say it in your own words!
  2. Do you think it is just an empty threat?
  3. What is he going to do with his gun? Do you believe that he will only use the gun to chase his enemies away?
  4. Do you know movies/books/etc. that plead for the right to self-justice?
  5. "It is okay to defend yourself, even with a gun." Do you agree?
  6. Comment on the following quotations:
    A certain "Willie McTell" commented on the song in German:
    "Ein Lied, das sich v.a. textlich doch sehr stark von den meisten seiner anderen unterscheidet - sozusagen der "Anti-peace-train-Song" - was Stevens Vielseitigkeit belegt."
    [Translation by VP:
    A song the lyrics of which are very different from most of his others - so to speak the "Anti-peace-train-song" - which proves Stevens' versatility.]
    A certain Snormobiel Beusichem wrote the following comment in Dutch:
    "Over sex doen ze ontzettend moeilijk daar in Amerika, maar een wapen mag iedereen bezitten !!! Belachelijk !!! Zelfs na 40 jaar is er nogsteeds niets veranderd !!! Ja, de moordaanslagen op scholen die zijn toegenomen !!! Met deze propagandaplaat had "Yusuf" gelukkig géén grote hit in de Nederlandse hitlijsten, mei 1967 !!!"
    [Translation by VP:
    As far as sex is concerned, they are very strict in America [Cat Stevens is British - VP], but everyone is allowed to have a weapon !!! Ridiculous !!! Even after 40 years, nothing has changed! Yes, the assassinations in schools that have increased !!! With this propaganda record, "Yusuf" fortunately did not have a big hit in the Dutch charts, May 1967 !!!]
    Source: http://hitparade.ch/song/Cat-Stevens/I%27m-Gonna-Get-Me-A-Gun-11851
    Peter Choyce of KXLU radio in Los Angeles:
    Let’s first go way back to 1967 when a budding young singer, born Steven Demetre Georgiou, hits the UK charts at #7 with a song which can only be heard for what it is: a rage filled revenge song of murderous intent sung apparently without irony. This debut, “I’m Gonna Get Me a Gun,” may unwittingly hint at things to come?
    Source: http://dangerousminds.net/comments/the_cat_stevens_salman_rushdie_fatwaa_controversy
    Stevens, who after becoming Yusuf Islam would offer a substantial contribution to the price tag on Salman Rushdie's head, was popular in my new school for his song "I'm Gonna Get Me a Gun." Only one boy in the school was rumored actually to own "a shooter", but all felt a necessity for self-defence.
    Source: Kick and Run: Memoir with Soccer Ball, by Jonathan Wilson
    Cat Stevens "I'm gonna get me a gun"....clearly early signs of homegrown radicalization
    Source: Mark Tibenham on Facebook
    1967, Guess he wasn't a big peace freak back then..LOL
    Source: Gail Artsgard Artsgard on Facebook
    Easily the catchiest impending murder spree by a noted pacifist I've ever heard.
    Source: Liam Lambert on Facebook
    Could be classed as incitement to commit an atrocity.
    Source: Denise n Paul Mower on Facebook
  7. Judging from his song "Peace Train" Cat Stevens seemed to be a pacifist. Do you think that the two lyrics can be reconciled somehow? Take into consideration that the single "I'm Gonna Get Me a Gun" was released in 1967, "Peace Train" in 1971.
  8. "I'm Gonna Get Me A Gun" was released in April 1967 and made it to number 6 in the UK charts. Source: Catstevens.com.
  9. Does the happy music fit the words?

  10. After a 30-minute-discussion: Cat Stevens made the song for a musical about Billy the Kid. Source: Songfacts.
  11. Does anybody have more evidence that the song is meant to be about Billy the Kid? Maybe from one of the Cat-Stevens-biographies or from old interviews?
  12. In which respect does this fact change your interpretation totally? How do you analyze the lyrics in the light of this new information?
  13. What drove Billy the Kid to violence according to the lyrics?
  14. What other options do you have as reactions to being put down?
  15. Check out material about Billy the Kid. How is his decision to become a criminal explained in the literature?
  16. Another song by Cat Stevens for a musical about Billy the kid was "Northern Wind (Death of Billy the Kid)" (Lyrics, Song) A great version can be found here.
  17. Inform yourself about Billy the Kid by reading wikipedia and listening to the History of Billy the Kid - written by Charles A. Siringo. I can warmly recommend the movie "Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid".
  18. Go and find other lyrics about historical criminals. Analyze them and compare them to Cat Stevens' song!
  19. Are you interested in other misunderstood songs?
  20. Write lyrics about a demoralized kid with a message like "I'm gonna show them how good I am!"
  21. What lessons does this teach us?

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September 10 2017: Last modified Sept 11 2017 by Volker Pöhls