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Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss)

Does he love me, I wanna know
How can I tell if he loves me so?

[Is it in his eyes?]
Oh, no you'll be deceived
[Is it in his sighs?]
Oh, no he'll make believe
If you wanna know
[Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
If he loves you so
[Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
It's in his kiss
[That's where it is, oh yeah]

[Or is it in his face?]
On no, it's just his charms
[In his warm embrace?]
On no, that's just his arms
If you wanna know
[Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
If he loves you so
[Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
It's in his kiss
[That's where it is]
Oh, it's in his kiss
[That's where it is]

Whoa, hug him and squeeze him tight
Find out what you wanna know
If it's love, if it really is
It's there in his kiss

[How 'bout the way he acts?]
Oh no, that's not the way
You're not listenin' to all I said
If you wanna know
[Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
If he loves you so
[Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
It's in his kiss
[That's where it is]
Oh, It's in his kiss
[That's where it is]

Whoa, hug him and squeeze him tight
Find out what you wanna know
If it's love, if it really is
It's there in his kiss

[How 'bout the way he acts?]
Oh no, that's not the way
You're not listenin' to all I said
If you wanna know
[Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
If he loves you so
[Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
It's in his kiss
[That's where it is]

Oh, It's in his kiss
[That's where it is]
Oh, yeah it's in his kiss
[It's in hiss kiss]
[That's where it is]
Ooh, it's in his kiss
[It's in hiss kiss]
That's where it is

It's in his kiss
That's where it is
Ooh, it's in his kiss
That's where it is
Ooh, oh it's in his kiss
Oh, oh, it's in the kiss
That's where it is

Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss)
Deutsche Übersetzung von Volker Pöhls

Liebt er mich? Das möchte ich wissen.
Wie kann ich herausfinden, ob er mich liebt?

[Steht es in seinen Augen geschrieben?]
Oh, nein, die können dich täuschen
[Ist es in seinen Seufzern?]
Oh, nein, er wird dir was vormachen

Wenn du wissen willst
[Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
ob er dich liebt:
[Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
Es ist in seinem Kuss
[Dort ist es, oh ja]

[Oder ist es in seinem Gesicht?]
Oh, nein, das ist nur sein Charme
[In seiner warmen Umarmung?]
Oh, nein, das sind nur seine Arme.

Umarme ihn und drücke ihn ganz dicht an dich.
Finde heraus, was du wissen willst.
Wenn es Liebe ist, wenn es wahre Liebe ist,
Dann findest du sie in seinem Kuss.

[Wie ist es mit seinem Auftreten?]
Oh, nein, so findest du es nicht heraus
Du hörst mir ja überhaupt nicht zu

Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss)
Talking Points presented to you by Volker Pöhls

  1. Analyze the structure of the lyrics!
  2. How can you find out, if someone really loves you ( a) according to Cher, b) according to you)?
  3. Which indicators of true love are good/bad?
  4. Why is a kiss such a good indicator?
  5. Differentiate between romantic love and physical attraction.
  6. Discuss other good or bad methods of testing your partner!
  7. Why is it so important to know the true motivation of your partner?

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