Marc answers quickly, spontaneously.
11 times (out of 111) he can refuse to answer by saying "Next question".
But he is supposed to answer the remaining 100 questions truthfully.
- What is hardest when being interviewed?
- In interviews you always seem to be so much in control - how hard is it to be overfriendly and positive? Are you never tempted to say something negative about other people or to be impolite?
- Which interview questions annoy you the most? Why?
- Funniest experience on stage?
- Your worst mistake on stage?
- Do you like young people?
- Ever thought of carrying a gun for protection?
- Do you feel safe in the US?
- What did you think after 9/11?
- What comes to your mind when I say…
- - freedom
- - alcohol
- - emancipation
- - writer's block
- Your worst experiences in a hospital?
- What do you do, when you're lonesome on tour?
- Most of your songs are gloomy, melancholy. In real life you seem to be an altogether cheery person. Is the depressed Marc Cohn just a pose? Or have you changed in the course of your life?
- Have you ever felt suicidal?
- What can you recommend against being depressed?
- Does your humor help you cope with life?
- In which respect have you changed - compared to the man you were 25 years ago?
- If you could revise some of your decisions in the past, which decisions would you change?
- How did you react when you were accused of being partly responsible for your wife's alcoholism?
- How did you cope with your second divorce?
- In one blog a woman talked about her daydreams of throwing her black brassiere towards Marc Cohn on stage. Have you ever experienced such things?
- Is it hard to remain faithful when being on tour?
- Are you regarded as a lady's man?
- Would you like to cover "Help Me Make it Through the Night", "Never My Love", "Kiss and Say Goodbye"?
- Why don't you try to write simpler songs based on three or four chords, which might be more successful commercially?
- If you had not become a musician, which other profession would have appealed to you?
- What are your other hobbies besides playing tennis?
- What would you like to be good at?
- In an interview you once said, that you like any of those Philip Roth characters obsessed with sex and death. Are you somebody who is obsessed with sex and death?
- How does it feel to be a One-Hit-Wonder?
- Why don't you make a whole country song album (in the style of "No Matter What") (like Don Henley) and become successful?
- Other musicians (e.g. Bryan Adams) invite people from the audience to sing a duet with them. Would that be an idea for you?
- You call your fans "cohnheads". Is this just a play of words or does it refer to a certain tendency towards marihuana on your side?
- Were drugs responsible for the seeing of ghosts and the levitation in "Walking in Memphis"?
- Your funniest drug experience?
- Were you disappointed when your album "Join the Parade" was not received enthusiastically?
- How was your midlife crisis?
- Are you old-fashioned? In which respect?
- What is your most American trait?
- Do you like country music?
- Which 5 records would you like to save after getting shipwrecked ?
- Name 5 of the most attractive women you'd like to meet!
- 5 of the best guitar players?
- 5 of the best piano players?
- Would you like to be 20 again?
- Which one was your favorite decade musicwise?
- At what age should a musician like you stop going on stage?
- Was it hard to accept that you lost part of your hair?
- Describe your "perfect day"!
- Have you ever lost something important?
- The most impressing celebrity you have ever met was …?
- The best aspects of fame?
- The worst aspects of fame?
- What's the difference between you and, say, Rod Stewart?
- Which dead musicians would you have liked to play with?
- Which authors would you like to discuss with?
- When was the last time that you broke a law?
- What is "Sex and drugs and rock'n'roll" to you?
- What is your concept of paradise?
- Do you think the devil exists?
- You nickname your fans "cohnheads". Are there nicknames for you (coined by your children, your friends, your fellow musicians)?
- Why is it hard to understand women?
- After two divorces - are you through with women now?
- Do you believe in relationships with women as comrades, on a platonic basis, without any erotic undertones?
- Could you fall in love with an 18 year old girl?
- If you were an animal, which one would you be?
- Which is your favorite memory of your childhood?
- What's your advice in case of heartache?
- Could you sing silly love songs?
- The most terrible times of your life were …?
- Your worst mistakes were …?
- Old compositions of yours - why not deconstruct and reinvent them?
- Suppose you write your memoirs - which sensations do you have to tell and which lessons to teach?
- When you're on stage, how do I know that you enjoy yourself or that it feels like work for you?
- Have you had any outstanding encounters with groupies?
- How often have you said "no" when a fan wanted you to go to bed with her?
- Any experiences with jealousy? Are you a jealous guy?
- What kind of music do you detest?
- Have you got a secret? Which one?
- Have you ever had financial worries?
- New York is the city of your choice. What would you show a friend who does not know New York City?
- What do you like about Jewish humor?
- Your favorite joke?
- Your attitude towards drugs and alcohol?
- Has your attitude towards alcohol changed?
- Any bad feelings about Germany?
- Your secret favorite subject (apart from music)?
- Suppose you didn't have kids, what would your ideal vacation be like?
- Why did God create women?
- Your first CD sold more than a million times. Are you a millionaire?
- Do you have fans among the young?
- Advantages or disadvantages of being named "Cohn"?
- Do you think that you are a good businessman?
- Do you like the music your kids like?
- What's the main difference between you and other musicians?
- Are you conservative?
- Your most traumatic experience [apart from the shooting and the death of your mother]?
- What is your biggest weakness?
- Your nicest pastime when on tour?
- The central message of your lyrics?
- What does the "American Dream" mean to you?
- Do you know "Gloomy Sunday", the suicide song? Have you ever played it?
- Everything was better in the good old days. Do you agree? Why?
- Your most heavenly moment on stage?
- When was the last time when you should have said "no"?
- What was your psychotherapist's most valuable advice?
- An album full of songs from 1970, another one with 30 year old songs - does that mean you are a yesterday man?
- When will you play in old people's homes?
- The loneliest place on earth?
- Do you like to be ironical?
- The most original thing you can say in German?
- Have you ever lost you voice?
- Who would you like to sing a duet with? Which song?
- Do you envy any of your fellow musicians? In which respect?
- Your favorite movie?
- What do you prefer - a tailor made suit or a jogging outfit?
- The riskiest, most courageous decision of your life?
- Your strangest side job?
- Was it a mistake to lie in interviews about the good condition of your second marriage?
- How about marrying a third time?
- Are you superstitious?
- Do you believe in angels and ghosts?
- If you had the choice: How would you like to die?
- Describe one of your recurring nightmares!
- Any books that you can recommend?
- Name two highlights of the past year!
- Would your friends say that you have any quirks?
- How does it feel when you think of all the musicians who died this year?
- Do you sometimes fear that the kind of music you love has completely gone out of style, that you have become a musical dinosaur?
- Fans say that you are a great story teller. Have you ever thought of writing fiction?
- Have you ever been afraid of becoming poor, of not being able to support your children any more?
- Was the diagnosis "writer's block" more than just an excuse for being lazy?
- Are there genres (e.g. jazz) that you would like to go into but cannot because your fans would not like it?
- Charlie Christian, W.C.Handy, Muriel Davis Wilkins, William Bell, Ray Charles, Al Green, Mavis Staples, Sam Cooke, Aretha Franklin - all of these musicians who were your idols are black. Are you a black musician caught in the body of a white musician?
- What comes to your mind when you google yourself?
- How does it feel when you google yourself and read: "Marc Cohn is Vice President of Network Strategy for The Linux Foundation based in Silicon Valley."?
© September 2016 by Volker Pöhls - last Update Dec 15, 2017
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