Marc Cohn
Alle Lyrics, deutsche Übersetzungen, Discographie, Covers, Übersichten

Deutsche Übersetzungen © 2001, 2012, 2016, 2017 Volker Pöhls

Alphabetische Song-Liste:

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  1. 99 Problems English 99 Probleme Deutsch Concert at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Bethel, NY, USA, Oct 3, 2010
  2. Along the Acorn Trail American Den Eichenpfad entlang Deutsch Coffee Break Concert July 6, 1977
  3. Already Home American Schon zu Hause Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  4. Angelsong American Engellied Deutsch 1991 B-Side of "Silver Thunderbird" Single
  5. Baby King American Baby-König Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  6. Be Here Now American Sei jetzt hier Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016)
  7. Bits and Pieces American Kleine Teilchen Deutsch Coffee Break Concert July 6, 1977
  8. Blow On Chilly Wind American Blas weiter, kühler Wind DeutschUK CD Single of "Silver Thunderbird" / In New York (Live 1992) - Siehe auch "Chilly Wind"
  9. Burning Bed American Brennendes Bett Deutsch Bonus track of "Burning the Daze" (1998) in Japan
  10. Careful What You Dream American Vorsicht, was du träumst Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016), cf. "My Great Escape"
  11. Chilly Wind American Blas weiter, kühler Wind Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016), Siehe auch "Blow On Chilly Wind"
  12. Crosses American Kreuze Deutsch Coffee Break Concert July 6, 1977
  13. Dance Back From The Grave American Tanz vom Grab zurück Deutsch Join the Parade (2007)
  14. Dig Down Deep American Grab tief Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  15. Don't Talk To Her At Night American Sprich Nachts nicht mit ihr Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  16. Ellis Island American Ellis Island Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  17. Emily American Emily Deutsch From the soundtrack of the TV series "The Mind of the Married Man" 2001-2002
  18. Fallen Angels American Gefallene Engel Deutsch From the 1999 movie "Message in a Bottle" / Very Best of Marc Cohn
  19. Far Away, Nearby American Weit weg, in der Nähe DeutschUK CD Single of "Silver Thunderbird", Siehe auch: "From the Faraway Nearby"
  20. From the Far Away, Nearby American Von weit weg, in der Nähe Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016), Siehe auch: "Faraway Nearby"
  21. From the Station American Vom Bahnhof Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  22. Full Moon Shining on an Empty Bed American Der Vollmond scheint auf ein leeres Bett Deutsch performed at The City Winery, NY, 2/15/2019
  23. Ghost Train American Geisterzug Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  24. Girl of Mysterious Sorrow American Mädchen mit dem geheimnisvollen Kummer Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  25. Giving Up The Ghost American Den Geist aufgeben Deutsch Join the Parade (2007)
  26. Healing Hands American Heilende Hände Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  27. Hold on for Me American Warte auf mich Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016)
  28. If I were an Angel American Wenn ich ein Engel wäre Deutsch Join the Parade (2007)
  29. I Surrender American Ich kapituliere Deutsch Crosby and Nash (2003)
  30. Join The Parade American Machen Sie mit bei der Parade Deutsch Join the Parade (2007)
  31. Let Me Be Your Witness American Lass mich dein Zeuge sein Deutsch Join the Parade (2007)
  32. Life Goes On American Das Leben geht weiter Deutsch Join the Parade (2007)
  33. Listening to Levon American Wir hören Levon Deutsch Join the Parade (2007)
  34. Live Out The String American Das Leben ausreizen Deutsch Join the Parade (2007)
  35. Lost You in the Canyon American Hab dich im Canyon verloren Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  36. Ma'oz Tzur (Rock of Ages) American Fels der Ewigkeiten Deutsch The Best of Festival of Light, 2012
  37. Maestro American Der Meister Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016)
  38. Mama's in the Moon American Mamma ist auf dem Mond Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  39. Man of the World American Mann von Welt DeutschFrom the TV series "Mad about you - the final frontier" / 2004 movie "The Prince and Me"
  40. Medicine Man American Medizinmann Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  41. Miles Away American Meilenweit weg Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  42. My Great Escape American Meine große Flucht DeutschFrom the 1995 Peter Horton film "The Cure", cf. "Careful What You Dream"
  43. My Sanctuary American Mein Zufluchtsort Deutsch Join the Parade (2007)
  44. No Love Lost American Keine verschwendete Liebe Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016)
  45. Nowhere Fast American Schnell irgendwohin Deutsch In New York (Live 1992) - Careful What You Dream (2016)
  46. Olana American Olana Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  47. Old Soldier American Alter Soldat Deutsch Barcelona Gold, 1992 / 4 track EPCD which also included 'Walk Through The World',
  48. One Rock'n Roll Too Many American Ein Rock'n Roll zu viel Deutsch From the 1987 musical "Starlight Express"
  49. One Safe Place American Ein sicherer Ort Deutsch From the CD "The Very Best of Marc Cohn" (2006)
  50. One Thing of Beauty American Ein Ding voller Schönheit Deutsch From the 1992 4-track EPCD which also included "Walk Through The World"
  51. Paint You a Picture American Ein Bild für dich malen Deutsch David Crosby's 2016 Album "Lighthouse"
  52. Paper Walls American Pappwände Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  53. Perfect Love American Perfekte Liebe Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  54. Providence American Vorsehung / Providence Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  55. Pumping Iron American Eisen pumpen Deutsch From the 1987 musical "Starlight Express"
  56. Rest for the Weary American Ruhe für die Müden Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  57. Saints Preserve Us American Beschützt uns, ihr Heiligen Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  58. Same Man, Different Mistakes American Derselbe Mann, andere Fehler Deutsch performed at The Coach House (04/16/2022)
  59. Saving the Best for Last American Das Beste bis zuletzt aufsparen Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  60. She's Becoming Gold American Sie wird zu Gold Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  61. She's Made of Yesterdays American Sie ist aus gestern gemacht Deutsch performed in Chicago, IL, on Dec. 29, 2004
  62. Silent Movie American Stummfilm Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016)
  63. Silver Thunderbird American Silberner Thunderbird Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  64. Strangers in a Car American Fremde im Auto Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  65. Street of Windows American Straße der Fenster Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016)
  66. Take Me to Hamburg American Bring mich nach Hamburg Deutsch From the bootleg "The American Landscape" recorded live during 1991 European Tour
  67. Talk Back Mic American Talk Back Mikro Deutsch Work to Do (2019)
  68. The Calling American Der Ruf Deutsch Join the Parade (2007)
  69. The Coldest Corner in the World American Die kälteste Ecke auf der Welt Deutsch From the 2015 feature documentary "Tree Man"
  70. The Color of Monday American Die Farbe von Montag Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016)
  71. The Days American Die Tage Deutsch Bonus track of "Burning the Daze" (1998) in Japan
  72. The Good in Everyone American Das Gute in jedem Deutsch Careful What You Dream (2016)
  73. The Heart of the City American Das Herz der Stadt Deutsch 1986 single
  74. The Rainy Season American Die Regenzeit Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  75. The Things We've Handed Down American Was wir vererbt haben Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  76. Three Steps Down American Drei Stufen tiefer Deutsch From the soundtrack of the TV series "The Mind of the Married Man" 2001-2002
  77. True Companion American Treuer Gefährte Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  78. Turn To Me American Wende dich mir zu Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  79. Valley of the Kings American Tal der Könige Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  80. Walk On Water American Geh auf dem Wasser Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  81. Walk Through the World American Geh durch die Welt Deutsch The Rainy Season (1993)
  82. Walking in Memphis American Spaziergang durch Memphis Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  83. Work to Do American Arbeit zu tun Deutsch Work to Do (2019)
  84. You're A Shadow American Du bist ein Schatten Deutsch iTunes bonus track on Join the Parade (2007)

Alphabetische Liste von Marc Cohn gecoverter Songs:

  1. 29 Ways - by Willie Dixon American 29 Wege Deutsch Marc Cohn (1991)
  2. After Midnight - by Eric Clapton American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  3. Belfast to Boston - by James Taylor (Duet with Judy Collins - Youtube)
  4. Close to you - by The Carpenters American (Listening Booth: 1970 (Barnes & Noble exclusive edition bonus track) / Playlist 1970)
  5. Crazy Love - by Van Morrison American (Youtube)
  6. Fever - by Little Willie John American (In New York - Live 1992)
  7. Girl From the North Country - by Bob Dylan American (Youtube)
  8. I Don't Worry About a Thing - by Mose Allison American (Jeff Golub, Blues for You, 2009)
  9. I Feel Lucky - by Mary Chapin Carpenter American (Youtube)
  10. I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You - by Tom Waits American (movie soundtrack of "The Prince and Me")
  11. Into the Mystic - by Van Morrison American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  12. Isn't it a Pity - by Billy Preston American (Youtube)
  13. Isn't That So - by Jesse Winchester American Stimmt das nicht Deutsch In New York (Live 1992)
  14. Long As I Can See The Light - by Creedence Clearwater Revival American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  15. Look at me - by John Lennon American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  16. Make it With You - by Bread American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  17. Maybe I'm Amazed - by Paul McCartney American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  18. Moon River - by Frank Sinatra/Audrey Hepburn American (Youtube)
  19. New Speedway Boogie - by Grateful Dead American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  20. No Matter What - by Badfinger American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  21. Out in the Woods - by Leon Russell American (Youtube)
  22. Right on Time - by Randy Travis English (Jerry Douglas album Traveler, 2012)
  23. Ruby Tuesday - by The Rolling Stones American (Youtube)
  24. Signed Sealed Delivered I'm Yours - by Stevie Wonder American (Listening Booth: 1970, iTunes Bonus Track / Playlist 1970)
  25. Star-Spangled Banner - by Francis Scott Key American (Youtube)
  26. The Letter - by The Box Tops American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  27. The Only Living Boy in New York - by Paul Simon American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  28. The Tears of a Clown - by Smokey Robinson American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  29. These Days - by Jackson Browne American (Youtube)
  30. Too Many Angels - by Jackson Browne American (Looking into You - A Tribute to Jackson Browne, 2014)
  31. Turn On Your Radio - by Harry Nilsson American Schalt dein Radio ein Deutsch Burning the Daze (1998)
  32. Two of Us - by The Beatles American (Soundcloud)
  33. Wild Horses - by The Rolling Stones American (Youtube)
  34. Wild World - by Cat Stevens American (Listening Booth: 1970)
  35. Wildflowers - by Tom Petty American (Youtube)

Die Texte und Übersetzungen befinden sich auf folgenden Seiten:
A - F  |  G - O  |  P - S  |  T - Z  |  Join the Parade  |  Careful What You Dream  |  Various Songs  |  Covers  |  Lyrics Marc Cohn Wrote for Others


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Songfacts on Marc Cohn

Music Video Marc Cohn 2013 One Safe Place and Perfect Love
Volker Pöhls: 111 Questions for Marc Cohn
Guitar Chords, Cohn's Comments and Talking Points etc. for Marc Cohn's Song "Olana"
Covers von "Walking in Memphis": fremdsprachige Nachdichtungen, Neudichtungen und Parodien
Materials on Marc Cohn's Song 'Walking in Memphis'
Intimate Portrait of his then 5-year-old daughter Emily by Marc Cohn (German translation)

Past concert dates & venues Songkick
Past concert dates & venues Bands in Town

Future concert dates & venues

  1. Marc Cohn's Comments on some of his songs

  2. First album: Marc Cohn (1991)
  3. Second album: The Rainy Season (1993)
  4. Third album: Burning the Daze (1998)
  5. Prose: Dear Emily Sarane (2001)
  6. Fourth album: Join the Parade (2007)
  7. Fifth album: Listening Booth: 1970 (2010) Vergleich von Vorbild und Cohn-Cover
  8. Sixth album: Careful What You Dream Lost Songs and Rarities (2016)

  9. Work to do Marc Cohn & Blind Boys Of Alabama (2019)
  10. The Very Best of Marc Cohn (2008)
  11. Live 04*05 (2005)
  12. Join the Parade Live EP (2008)
  13. Bootleg: The American Landscape (1992)
  14. In New York - Live 1992 (2015)
  15. Live In Minneapolis '91 (2016)

  16. Weitere von Marc Cohn gecoverte Songs Vergleich von Vorbild und Cohn-Cover
  17. Various Original Songs (u.a. B-Sides, Movie-Soundtracks)
  18. Coffee Break Concert July 6, 1977 (Live) (when Marc had just turned 18)
  19. Co-Writer (Lyrics)
  20. Movie-Soundtracks

  21. Covers von Marc-Cohn-Songs auf Soundcloud
  22. Professionelle Covers von Marc-Cohn-Songs (Youtube+Spotify)
  23. Professionelle Covers von "Walking in Memphis" [Selection](Youtube+Spotify)

Marc Cohn's Comments on some of his songs
The Stories Behind Marc Cohn's Songs

SONG The Stories behind Marc Cohn's Songs MISCELLANEOUS
Already Home "It deals with that feeling that, 'I'm not going to find what I'm looking for out there. Nobody out there is going to be my savior.' It was hard to let go of that convenient delusion. Divorce wakes you up, and gladly so. Reality is a good place to have to live."
Careful What You Dream Marc Cohns Comments on the songs of his album "Careful What You Dream" Careful What You Dream  
Dance Back from the Grave "I happened to be walking by the television when somebody on the news was reading a prose piece that I later found out was written by Rick Bragg, one of my favorite writers, and it was a piece about how was New Orleans gonna come back from this devastation. One of the lines that grabbed my attention as I was walking by the TV from this piece that Bragg wrote was that New Orleans was gonna have to dance back from the grave. The tradition of when someone dies there they dance towards the cemetery and then they leave the cemetery but this time the whole city would have to dance back from the grave. And of course the minute I heard that, I thought well: Number 1: That's a song title. Number 2: I have my own angle with which to write that. So it was one of those rare opportunities where it's really a song about two things at once but deeply related. It's about New Orleans and it was about my own personal sense that I needed to dance back from nearly being in the grave myself."
[Telephone interview with Marc Cohn by Eric Alan from KLCC 89.7, Jan 13, 2016]

"Dance Back From the Grave" was inspired by and uses parts of author Rick Bragg's account of post-Katrina New Orleans. "This one line immediately drew me in: 'I've always seen the people of New Orleans dance right up to the edge of the grave. I guess now they'll have to dance back from it. It was an incredible image ... and it struck me harder because I'd just been shot. I tracked (Bragg) down 'cause I wanted to actually use things he wrote; a good one-third of that lyric was taken from that piece, so he's the co-writer of the song."
[Interview: "Life Events Broke Marc Cohn's Writer's Block" by Gary Graff of the Oakland Press]

The real sort of opening came as I was just passing the television on a Sunday morning Kathrina had just happened long enough for this fantastic author I later found who it was named Rick Bragg who I was already a fan of had written this beautiful prose poem honoring the people of New Orleans post Kathrina because he had lived there which I didn't know. All I heard as I was walking by the television because somebody was reading what he had written I think for the Washington Post I'm not positive was this line that said "I had seen the people of New Orleans who had always danced right up to the edge of the grave and now they were gonna have to learn how to dance back from it." And there was an immediate songwriter's light that's the only way I know how to put it where I thought "I can write that song "Dance back from the Grave" is a song considering what I met personally and what I have just heard. If I cannot write this song I'd better just give it up. The first thing I did was to try to get the complete piece that I had heard on the tv. I found out that it was this writer that I loved, a Pulitzer prize winner, had written an amazing memoir called "All over But the Shoutin" which I had read years ago. And I thought "Isn't that interesting that I already loved his voice and recognized it as something I loved again even without knowing it was him. So I called him up. He was excited to think of being an inadvertent songwriting collaborator, it was interesting to him. He said "Do it any way you want." So I ended up using quite a few of Rick's original lines in the song adding my own obviously and then putting it to music.
[Source: "Marc Cohn: Inspiration from an Arkansas Roadhouse" October 11, 2007 by David Dye, host of World Cafe,]
["How long, before that city reforms. Some people say it never will. But I have seen these people dance, laughing, to the edge of a grave. I believe that, now, they will dance back from it."
Rick Bragg, This Isn't the Last Dance,, September 2, 2005]
Dig Down Deep A few of you wanted to know what is actually being whispered at the beginning of the studio version of that song. Rest assured...even if I knew...I wouldn't tell you! One of the musicians on that track...the Armenian percussionist Arto the mysterious song- whisperer. Way back when he told me that he had recited a portion of an Armenian prayer...but only Arto knows for sure.
[MC Facebook, March 20, 2013}

"It was definitely influenced by Van Morrison, I'm a huge Van Morrison fan, my love for his music is pretty easy to decipher in that song. (…) I think it actually would be very cool to hear Lady Gaga sing it. [Chuckles] Pretty strange and wonderful, I think she would relate to the lyric. I actually think she's a really good singer. Somebody like that, Miley Cyrus, that would be good."
Zee ko eh arkayootyoon yev zorootyoon yev park havidyanes. [One Cohnhead named David on Facebook] = For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. = Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.
Ellis Island There was a very strong sense of identity, even spiritually, that I gained from visiting there. I was there as an invited guest, and it wasn't long ago that relatives of mine were there under incredible duress and uncertainty."

The night of 9/11 Marc Cohn played "Ellis Island" @ Ground Zero on NBC. [Source: Comment at] When exactly did this happen?
Materials on Ellis Island, e.g. songs by people other than Marc Cohn
Ghost Train "Ghost Train" is a song about the day my mom died, when I was a child.
[Source: Robin Milling: Milling About with Marc Cohn,]

It was one of the last songs i wrote for my debut record on Atlantic. I had a Korg SG1D set up in a house i was living in in Ct that had that great electric piano sound you hear on the record. There was a drum machine that i used for a year or so and i just quickly found a rudimentary bongo beat to play along to. I think i had the title first and started to almost subconsciously write the narrative about the passing of my mother when i was 2 years old...from a 2 year olds near pre-verbal perspective. The imagery of everything being washed away...destroyed...makes perfect sense from that vantage point. Still like this lyric and have always been proud of the recording itself. A high water mark for sure. This tune was really where my musical relationship with John Leventhal he's responsible for that great 6-string bass solo and for helping to make that track come alive. Ben Wisch did an amazing job as well...both as an engineer and producer. I remember consciously trying to sound like Gerry Rafferty when I sang it...I was listening a lot to "Right Down The Line" back then and fell in love with his understated but soulful vocal approach. I think I played and sang it in one or two takes with only that bongo sound in my headphones to play along to. We added the rest of the band later. Very unusual method for me...but it worked!
[Source: Marc Cohn facebook, February 25, 2013]
Let Me Be Your Witness This song is from my album "Join The Parade" and was co- written with my longtime and brilliantly talented friend Kenny White. (Please check out Kenny's music if you don't already know it on iTunes or anywhere you buy music. A song called "In Magnolia" is a favorite of mine and a good place to start). Kenny contributed greatly to my first record...arranging and singing background parts, playing keys etc. Aside from John Leventhal, he's really the only person i've ever had any success collaborating with...and i think this is our best tune together by far. I think i had a nearly completed lyric when I came to Kenny asking for his help with the music. I don't know why I didn't have access to my own piano at the time, but we ended up writing most of the song on a piano in the main sanctuary of a church on West End Avenue in NYC; I'm sure it helped give the song some of its Gospel feeling. The central theme of the lyric... about being someone's witness... came from a book i read years before called "The Drama Of The Gifted Child" by Alice Miller...a renowned psychologist. Miller wrote about the importance of a child having someone in their lives that truly "saw them" for who they were, whether it be a parent, a teacher, a sibling...anyone. According to Miller, having someone that could essentially be your "witness" was the difference between a fairly well-adjusted child and one that might have ongoing issues. I remember this idea moving me deeply at the time and it found its way years later into this song... written for my wife Elizabeth. It wasn't a hit, but I think it's a strong song. (Been thinking lately about trying to get it to Annie Lennox. I think she could sing it beautifully).
[Source: Marc Cohn facebook, April 22, 2013]

I can tell you one part of the story, which isn't the crucial part. My third child Zachary had just been born. I had this upright piano in our living room. I was already struggling with writer's block as we've talked about, but now he's born and I found: when he's awake I cannot play, because all he wants to do is Come play with me and he's banging on the keys and all that. And when he's asleep I can't play because I wake him up. So I literally had to spend weeks looking for a place I could just go find a piano cause I had a few lyrics and one of them was "Let me be a witness" but I had no music. So what I did was I just gave the lyrics to a few of my friends because I could not actually sit down at a piano and I instinctively thought it was a piano song even though I could have tried to write something on guitar. I did give it to a friend of mine named Kenny White who is a really good songwriter in his own right and he came up with a good deal of the music. Then we found a church on Westend Avenue in NYC, a beautiful church where you could actually rent out the sanctuary for 20 dollars an hour. It had a grand piano on the stage and I'd go in there tried to play when my son was sleeping [laughs] It was only a few blocks from my house. Kenny and I finished the song there together. It's an homage to and a love song for my wife, let's just be plain about it come out and say it. She's the inspiration for this tune and there you go.
[Transcript by Volker Pöhls, Source: Marc Cohn: Inspiration from an Arkansas Roadhouse, Interview with David Dye, October 11, 2007,]
Listening to Levon The song, he explained, is about young love, about a 16-year-old sitting in his old man's Blue Valiant ready for "the moment of all his junior year, just seconds from his first deep kiss," when Levon comes on the radio and "the girl all but disappears." "It's a moment like that that a young man has to realize that he's a musician … or he's gay, not that there's anything wrong with that," Cohn joked. Seriously, it's a sentiment familiar to music lovers everywhere. With that the ballad unfolded, with Fontayne adding emotion with the harmonica.

"Any of my songs are really tributes and homages to musicians and to music. "Walking in Memphis" was essentially a song about the transformational healing power of music. And "Listening to Levon" is about that, too, and it name-checks one of my favorites which is to Levon Helm and The Band. It's really a song about young love and about the healing power of music which is something I can still sing about with great feeling cause it still resonates for me. I don't really know where that song came from or why it came out that way. I think I had read something on the internet about someone who was playing a Levon or Elton John song for his girlfriend and could not concentrate any more. And that took me off into my own direction about Levon Helm and the power of his voice and musicianship. "I mean "lost" in a good way, "lost" so that you just cannot focus on anything else. Music does that to me all the time. If I am having a conversation with somebody and music is playing with something that I like in the background, it's not the background any more. All of a sudden music is the thing I'm listening to and I cannot hear the person that's talking. So I very often have to say "Could you please turn down the music" cause I'm only listening to that. It's always the one thing I'm drawn to: What's that sound?
[Transcript by Volker Pöhls, Source: Intervista a Marc Cohn - Il cantautore si racconta, Interview by Ezio Guaitamacchi with Marc Cohn on Jam TV in Italy (Youtube, published on July 15, 2016),

"This is a tune that takes place with a 16-year-old in his father's car, in the case of this tune a blue Valiant, he's got the girl of his dreams sitting there right beside him and all of a sudden this mystical sound comes out of the car radio and the girl who's talking very quickly about something important just completely disappears for the boy and he realizes at that moment that he must be a musician or gay, that's possible, too,[laughter] or a gay musician, which is totally fine, nothing wrong with that. Anyway, so this is an homage to the great Levon and an apology to a well now forty-year-old girl that's probably still talking."
[Transcript by Volker Pöhls, Source: Intro to "Listening to Levon, Live on Mountain Stage, December 29, 2008,, retrieved Feb 5, 2017}

David Dye: "It's interesting you have a song that mentions your dad. There's another car your dad has on this new album. Last time we heard from you he had a silver Thunderbird, but this time it's not quite as nice a car."
MC: [laughs] "That's right. That's a little wink to my audience or anybody that's been paying attention. He actually had this silver Thunderbird. I changed it up a little bit. Actually, you know it's funny. I saw somewhere something about a blue Valiant and I thought I might as well put that in there, confuse everybody.
DD: (…) Everybody kind of laughed about the change. Everybody noticed the change of car.
MC: I appreciate you paying such close attention.
DD: Now, has Mary heard the song yet, replied, you don't know?
MC: I've got to admit to you: This is the one time, there's really no Mary. I mean there is a sort of Mary out there but there isn't one person I'm thinking of in this song. Actually, let me think about this. No, there is a Mary. No, there were a few Marys. It was highschool. There is a Levon, that's for sure."
[Transcript by Volker Pöhls, Source: Marc Cohn: Inspiration from an Arkansas Roadhouse, October 11, 2007,, retrieved Feb 5, 2017}
Live out the String I had this really good friend who was in my first band in highschool [called Doanbrook Hotel] who became an elementary school teacher, a brilliant guy. Yes for school teachers! He wrote me an email about two or three days after the shooting he heard about it in the newspaper, read about it, I guess, and he wrote me this beautiful poetic email and the first line was: "Maybe life is curious to see what you would do with the gift of being left alive." To make a long story short I wrote a song based on his email. Not only do I love the song but the elementary school teacher, he's gonna get royalties. [Transcript by Volker Pöhls, Source: Spotlight Live, Wake Up With Woopi, Part 2 of 2, Hochgeladen am 01.03.2008,]

"It started in an e-mail from my friend Michael Silverstone, who was in my first band – we played coffee shops together, and he ended up becoming an elementary school teacher and I just happened to end up following my muse a little bit farther. In the end, it’s really one of the loveliest things that’s happened to me, to become this sort of inadvertent collaborator with him. He wrote me this beautiful e-mail shortly after I got shot, and it sounded like nothing but poetry to me, so I immediately started writing around the line from his e-mail that opens the song: “Maybe life is curious to see what you would do / With the gift of being alive.” I thought that sounded like a song to me, so in a couple of days I had a new song with my old friend.
[Source: "A Chat with Marc Cohn", by Jeff Giles of, 10/26/2007 ,]

MC=Marc Cohn: "I got lots of responses from lots of people but the most moving of course was from Michael who wrote me this message that was filled with poetry." MS=Michael Silverstone: "I saw an amazing possibility that I knew he could do which was: To look at this in an unconventional way, to look at it as a possibility: Really cherish and celebrate life!" MC: "I used many many lines from this message that he wrote to me and turned them into the lyric of one of my songs. I added about half of my own ideas, too. But one of the crucial lines that he wrote in that email after I got shot was: "Maybe life was curious to see what you would do with the gift of being left alive". MS: "He read me from Greek myth he had a ball of string of a person's life. You didn't know when it was gonna end, when the string was cut, your life was over. So live out the string!" MC: "I knew immediately it was a song and I just took his email to the piano and started writing. This wasn't just a case of 'Michael inspired me, I should call him and say thank you'. Michael was my co-writer. I should call him and say: 'You better get a publishing company cause you may have some royalty checks coming in and god willing these records sell a few copies.' It's probably one of the greatest feelings I have as a music maker to know that my old friend is now one of my song writing collaborators. It's just great." [Corrections of the transcript appreciated]
[Source: Friday, November 16, 2007, Beachwood's own singer-songwriter Marc Cohn collaborates with his old high school friend and bandmate, A poetic email inspired a song, by WKSU's VIVIAN GOODMAN,]

The "String" refers to the thread of life from ancient Greek (and Roman) mythology: The three sister deities called the Moirai or Fates determine destiny and life. Clotho spins the thread of life; Lachesis determines how long one lives, by measuring the thread of life; and Atropos choses how someone dies by cutting the thread of life with her shears. So "Live out the string" could stand for the decision to fully exhaust the span of life alloted to you by the Moirai.
Greek myth: The Fates

Lost You in the Canyon I wrote that song for somebody I was very close to, I'm not gonna give it up too much, but at the time I wrote the song I felt very disconnected and I came up pretty quickly with this metaphor about the phone call getting disconnected as a metaphor for how I was feeling in this particular relationship with somebody that I was really close to and became very close to again. In fact I made that song to heal some of the hurt.
[Source: Marc Cohn's Live Chat on Facebook Dec 15, 2017]
Todd (VO): Okay, that's clearly Tom Petty. That's Tom Petty, right? I mean, that's Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. I don't hear Marc Cohn anywhere else on this; this has to be Tom Petty.
[Source: Channel Awesome, February 7th, 2014,]
Olana Marc Cohns Comments on "Olana"  
Old Soldier I got two calls at the same time. One was from David Crosby. He was making a new record and he said he had any new songs will you write me one? I was very flattered and I started to think of some ideas for David. That was back in 92 I think. And then I got another call because the Olympics were about to do a record for the summer Olympics and they were asking different artist to write songs about different athletes that were competing that they would play right before those athletes were going to be televised and I got a call right around the same time that David Crosby called to try to write a song for an athlete named Pablo Morales I think that was his name I may have it wrong but the thing that distinguished him from the other athletes was he was the oldest competitor in that year's Olympics and maybe of all times, I cannot remember. He was a swimmer. So I started to write that song and I started to work on another song for David and I realized maybe I could write the same song for both of them. So I wrote this song called "Old Soldier" that passed their prime who was still hungry for success and redemption maybe. Anyway I wrote one song for both of those requests, one for David and one for Pablo Morales. [He captured gold in the 100-meter butterfly - VP]
[Source: Marc Cohn's Live Chat on Facebook Dec 15, 2017]
Paint You a Picture Is there a particular instrument, you most prefer to work with either in songwriting and/or on stage? MC: "It's interesting. I've always played guitar and piano, always written on both instruments. Besides there's a brandnew song I've just written that I may sing tonight, that I only sing acapella because I haven't put any chords to it yet. All I have is words (...) . So I've been closing some of my shows singing this brandnew song with no instrument. So for me it's all about the song and sometimes you don't even need an instrument to write."
[Source: Marc Cohn Interview, April, 2015,]
Paper Walls Is Paper Walls based on a true story? [laughs] No it is not. It's totally a fabrication. One of the few songs that is a complete one hundred percent made up story in my mind.
[Source: Marc Cohn's Live Chat on Facebook Dec 15, 2017]

(...) a rollicking song about a couple having a rollicking time "next to me in room 502." He said it was his mother in law's favorite song and added "I knew the minute my future mother in law liked the song her daughter was for me."

He said that musician David Crosby always joked that the record company "blew it" by not releasing the song "Paper Walls" off 1993's "The Rainy Season" as a single."
Perfect Love How did I get James Taylor on my first album? I just knew somebody that knew his then wife. It was my girlfriend at that time. I think we went out for lunch. We did not keep in touch. When I wrote this song "Perfect Love" which James [Taylor] sings on I heard his voice on this part "Under the moon and stars above" and subconsciously I asked him would he sing that part? And amazingly he said yes. Then I realized years later subconsciously I had written the melody to "Shower the people you love with love". So no wonder he liked it [laughs] and no wonder I thought of him.
[Source: Marc Cohn's Live Chat on Facebook Dec 15, 2017]

Loosely based on the arc of the love affair between one of my older brothers and his wife. The song follows them from Shaker Lake (in Cleveland where my family is from) to Rockaway Beach (where my sister-in-law grew up) to the '64 Worlds Fair (they really DID meet Robert Kennedy there), all the way to an autumnal country lane... somewhere in New England let's say. I don't remember much about the writing of the song at this point except that i had lots of verses i didn't use and kept refining the ones i liked for quite some time. I remember EVERYTHING about the recording of the song though...especially when James Taylor dropped by to put down his vocal at Quad Studios near Times Square in NYC...sometime in the winter of 1990. I had been very fortunate to meet James a few years before i got signed to Atlantic. He had been a life long hero of mine, so just being able to sit down and have lunch with him was a dream come true. Mainly he offered the best advice he could to a struggling unsigned artist and gave me the names and numbers of some players he thought could help me cut some demos of my songs. Then he went on his way. Cut to a few yeas later. Now i'm a signed recording artist putting the finishing touches on my first record. It was a long journey...but the record is almost done. At some point after the whole track for Perfect Love was recorded, i got the idea to add sort of an answer background vocal part with the lyric "Under the moon and the stars above." If i'm honest...i knew that the melody line i was hearing in my head was identical to "Shower the people you love with love!" THAT'S when i knew i HAD to get in touch with James again and ask if he would consider singing on the song. Frankly i didn't even know if he would remember me, but to make a very long story short...he left a message on my phone machine (that i still have on a cassette somewhere), saying how much he loved the song and that he'd be happy to sing on it!! So in walks James. Quad Recording. 1990. He tells me he has a cold and isn't sure his voice is going to sound very good. Ha! Don't worry JT...i'm SURE you'll be great. As always. And he was. We ran it down a few times and before I knew it the session was over. I was hoping it would take forever, but it didn't. After James left the studio, my co-producer and engineer Ben Wisch and I started calling EVERYONE...holding the phone up to one of the studio monitors to share an unmixed playback of Perfect Love with JAMES TAYLOR SINGING ON IT!!!!! Dream come true. Then and now. Thanks for everything James. We ALL love you.
[Source: Marc Cohn facebook, March 4, 2013]

“Perfect Love,” a song he loosely based on his older brother’s relationship. The couple celebrated their 50th anniversary last month, Cohn said. “About three times more than my marriages combined,” he said.
[Source: Kristen Gaydos,, published: July 12, 2015]

"My brother was one of those people in my life (…) who was really present and able to see me for who I was. (...) I remember the first time I went to a therapist and told him about my upbringing. He said "Why do you seem so relatively okay?" (…) I said "Music and my Brother - this is about him."
[Source: Introduction for "Perfect Love" at the concert at Chautauqua Auditorium, Boulder, 23 July, 2016, ]

"That's the season and the Fall with a capital 'F'. It's about my brother and his wife. It was a love story happening when America was falling apart at the seams. The assassinations, Vietnam, the race riots. Even when you were six or seven you felt it. To me now those people dying, the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, was the beginning of the end for America."
[Q MAGAZINE #65, 1992, quoted in:]
Saints Preserve Us "Saints Preserve Us", a poetic tale based on his older brother's memories of his mother's death. "Maybe because it's my brother's story and I had some distance on it, I could sort of understand that there is inherently something beautiful in somebody passing away - for them. But it's very painful to be left behind." Cohn says.
[Source: Melinda Newman, "Atlantic's Cohn Back on Track", Billboard, 14. Febr. 1998]

"Whispering Pines" [by "The Band"]: Richard Manuel at his most soulful, brilliant, haunted best. My song "Saints Preserve Us" was hugely inspired by the vibe and feel of this song.
[Source: Marc Cohn facebook, March 16, 2013]
Saving the Best for Last   In these popular representations, heaven seems to be a gated enclave holding only the people we want to see there, and certainly that would be our preference. Why spend eternity with people you didn't want to spend a few years with here on earth? Marc Cohn's song "Saving the Best for Last" sums up this idea. The song's narrator, an Asian cab driver who talks about heaven "like it was real" expresses his hope for an afterlife where he will "walk around on streets of gold all day / And you never have to listen / To what these customers say."
[Source: Entertaining Judgement: The Afterlife in Popular Imagination, by Greg Garrett, Oxford University Press, 2015, p. 108]

He gets into a cab and has a brief conversation with the driver. In their short trip the driver tells Marc about his hope for Heaven. He says that he knows Heaven must be real because surely there’s more to life than driving an old cab all day long. “Up there,” he says, “they must be ‘saving the best for last.’”
[Source: All That Is Fair: Saving the Best for Last, January 1, 2016 | James Parker, Southwood Presbyterian Church]
She's Becoming Gold The staircase "she's" running down, the cars in the distance, the snow on the hill, the driveway... are all images from a house i had in Wilton, Ct. back in the mid-80's where i wrote a large part of my first record and "The Rainy Season," which is the record this song appears on. I think i was reading a book or an article about alchemy at the time. It explained/contended that the "science" of turning raw metals into gold was first and foremost, a metaphor for inner growth through self-examination... turning the raw materials we came here with as human beings into something beautiful and uniquely our own Individuation. Both the songwriter and college psychology major in me was immediately drawn to this idea and i started painting this portrait of a woman. (Women are after all... my favorite subject). She's in the middle of a deep inner crisis... on the verge of a breakthrough or a breakdown (sometimes it's hard to tell the difference)...who has her "friends on the phone and her angels on guard." The portrait is a composite of several women... and if i'm honest... looking back... it was a self-portrait too. Musically, i was attempting to write something that had some of the beauty and depth of a Jimmy Webb song. I got as close as i could. As far as arranging and producing the song in the studio...there are so many elements that make it one of my better recordings i think. The great percussionists (Arto and Glenn [Arto Tuncboyaciyan and Glen Velez - VP] if memory serves) were also featured on Dig Down Deep from the first record... and laid down a beautiful rhythmic bed for the rest of the track to float on. John Leventhal's guitar playing is gorgeous and Crosby and Nash's harmony vocals are (as always) stunning. Special shout out to Ben Wisch who co-produced, recorded and mixed this track. This one has stood the test of time pretty well i think...still a favorite of mine to sing and play live as well.
[Source: Marc Cohn facebook, March 11, 2013]
Silver Thunderbird My father, Harry Cohn, was born April 23rd, 1900. He would have been 113 years old today. I'm not joking with you here...113!! Apparently he was quite the ladies man back in the day, and family legend has it that he was engaged a time or two before marrying my mother Sarane (a beautiful name for a beautiful woman) when she was 22 and he was almost 40. I was the last of Harry and Sarane's four boys and i was...let's just unexpected surprise. My mother was 42, my father was 60 and my next YOUNGEST brother Steve was already 13 when i was born. I'm a man caught between generations. As it turned out, the six of us didn't have that much time together. My mom passed when i was two and my dad followed her ten years later when i was twelve; the type of events that might conspire to make a singer-songwriter out of someone i guess. If they're lucky. I was already playing guitar, singing, and writing songs by the time i was my dad probably wouldn't be surprised at the way things turned out for me. Dad was an amazing singer; he had a beautiful baritone and his own unrealized dreams of making show biz his career i think. A few years before he died i recorded him singing "Those Were The Days" on a little cassette player i had at the time. Man i wish i still had that cassette today, but i could never find it. Trust me when i tell you he sounded like a cross between Bing Crosby and Mario Lanza! Despite whatever dreams he might have had...he became a pharmacist by trade and yes...he drove a silver thunderbird. I must have been 15 or 16 when i realized i needed/wanted to write a song about my old capture something about his essence...that part of him that always felt so unknowable and mysterious to me when i was a kid. I also knew the song had to be called Silver Thunderbird. As mysterious as he might have seemed to me, when he was in THAT CAR...he was also kind of cool. Over the years i must have written a dozen versions of songs with that title...but they were never quite right. One early version i had was very slow and deliberate and had that high lonesome bluegrass vibe to it...something someone like Emmylou Harris, Vince Gill or Alison Krauss might sing today. I still remember the opening verse which was meant to be sung a cappella: "Every evening Up the driveway Saddest sound i ever heard Was the sound of My old father And his silver Thunderbird" That one wasn't bad...but it still wasn't right. Then when i was about 25 or 26 i went to Memphis. After that the floodgates opened for me and i started writing the kinds of songs that i'd been hoping to write for as long as i could remember. I felt like at along last...i had finally found my voice. Thunderbird couldn't have been written too long after "Walking In Memphis." I was on a roll and i knew it. After ten years of walking around with that title in my head and writing version after version of the song...when the one that felt right and true finally came fast. Music and words together as i recall...most of it in one or two sittings over the course of a few days. Just looking at it objectively from a distance has a sophisticated and unusual rhyme scheme and some really wonderful rhymes. "You could hardly even see him in all that chrome The man with the plan and the pocket comb But every night it carried him home..." There he is. Happy Birthday Dad. Hope you like your song.
[Source: Marc Cohn facebook, April 23, 2013]
Strangers in a car "I do recall with certainty Marc explaining that the song came about from a dream he was having where someone was abducted. He woke and went straight to the piano where the wonderful chords progression emerged. He then started singing the song and wrote the lyrics in about 20 minutes."
The Calling (Ghost of Charlie Christian) Interviewer Eric Alan: "There's a song on "Join the Parade" that's dedicated in a way to Charlie Christian, the great electric guitar player. How did he find his way into your musical world?"
MC: "Gosh, that's a mystery. That's another example of me tipping my hat and namechecking another legendary musician. It's amazing how many times I've done that. (…) I was waiting for my producer, good friend, songwriting partner John Leventhal, who's really been an important part of my whole journey, musically, I was waiting for him after the first record had become a hit. We were about to start work on my second record. I was writing most of that record in a house that I had just bought really for the express purpose of having a place to go and get some quiet to write and I had a bunch of new songs already and John was taking a train up from the city to hear what I had. And while I was waiting for his arrival, I wrote this song that starts out "Johnny took the 4: 05 and he rode it, rode it down the line, but he did not know that the ghost of Charlie Christian was riding, too." That was literally me waiting for my producer [laughs], John, to come and listen to my new songs. I wrote this song while I was waiting so I had one more to play when he got there. (…) I just had this kind of a waking dream about the ghost of Charlie Christian appearing on the train and infusing my friend with his magical guitar playing powers. That's where that song came from. I think it took me about 20 minutes to write that song.
[Telephone interview with Marc Cohn by Eric Alan from KLCC 89.7, Jan 13, 2016]

This one sort of mentions Charlie Christian, it's called Charlie Christian's tune who was a real pioneer of the electric guitar. This song was actually written around 1993 when I was making my second record with John Leventhal and with Ben Wisch. John was coming up to see me at this place that I have that I was trying to write the record in, this house in Connecticut. He was coming on the 4:05 train on the New Haven Line. I had some songs written but not enough, I didn't think, for a full record and I thought "Maybe before he gets here I can write one more." It didn't take me long until I had this line "Johnny took the 4:05 and he rode it down the line" and I just imagined this scenario of "What was it that made John a guitar player?" So I made up my own story that he had been touched by the ghost of Charlie Christian on a train ride in some point in the past. By the time he got there I had one more song.
[Source: Interview with David Dye, Marc Cohn: Inspiration from an Arkansas Roadhouse, October 11, 2007,]
The Coldest Corner in the World “I told the film director that my song isn’t really a holiday song. It’s a personal song with a lot of wintry overtones.”
[Source: David Steinberg for the Albuquerque Journal, June 13th, 2014]

"The director wanted a variety of singer-songwriters to write whatever their version of a holiday song would be, and, of course, that assignment immediately terrified me," Cohn said. "But then he said, 'you know, it doesn't have to be happy, Marc.' "And once I heard that it didn't have to be a happy song, I was in. So, I wrote him one of the darkest holiday songs you could possibly imagine."
[Marc Cohn reflects on 'Walking in Memphis', interview by Dan Armonaitis,, Jul 10, 2014]

"my best brooding Jew ballad"
[, May 6, 2015]
The track was produced, engineered and mixed by the mighty John Leventhal. JL plays all guitars and bass as well... including the gorgeous solo at the end.
Drums: Denny McDermott
Keyboards: Glenn Patscha
Percussion: Joe Bonadio
Piano, Vocal: MC
Additional engineering: Steve Addabbo and Rick DePofi
[Source: MC Facebook, Dec. 5, 2014]
The Things We've Handed Down I was equal parts over the moon and panic-stricken. My debut record had just been released and i was about to become a father for the first time. Two incredible births in one year. Thrilling, anxiety-provoking, life-changing, terrifying. My record company needed me to be available to promote the new record seemingly around the clock...and i desperately wanted my music to be heard. I also needed/wanted to be home. How could i make this work? How would i balance everything? To be honest, i don't remember much about the actual writing of this song...i mainly just remember the way i FELT at the time. I was reading lots of books about parenting and parenthood. One book in particular about heredity made an immediate impact. I was asking myself all the same questions every expectant parent asks themselves. I started to write them down. Who WAS this person that was about to change my life? Our lives? Who would he or she look like? Who would they take after? Who/what would they become? A poet or a dancer...a devil or a clown? I think i wrote the last verse first and worked backwards from there. The central idea of that last verse...about every trait and characteristic coming from someplace that no one remembers anymore...that old and distant town...was/is a big idea simply stated. Always a good thing. My friend and fellow songwriter Kenny White told me a while ago that he thought that verse was the best thing i'd ever written. I think he was probably right. I'm proud of this song. I like the melody...the words....and the fact that it deals with a relatively unusual subject matter (for a pop song) in a unique way. More importantly...i'm proud that 20 years later it still moves YOU... that it's been part of some important days in YOUR lives. Thank you for that. A songwriter really couldn't ask for more. Happy Mother's Day...Happy (early) Father's Day and Happy Birthday to first born...who turns 22 next month. I never could have imagined when i wrote this song for you...with all those as yet unanswered questions... that you would become the incredible man you are today.
[Source: Marc Cohn facebook, May 13, 2013]
True Companion I was in the backseat of a taxi in New York City. I was going to leave my then girlfriend who became my first wife and became my first ex-wife [laughs]. I had just listened to the album "Tunnel of Love" by Springsteen, I think it was relatively new at that point. And that whole record really inspired me. And there are lots of songs on there about relationships. So I think that was the jumping off point for me. I was going to meet my girlfriend at the time (…) and I had written this whole lyric about imagining my wedding or imagining the wedding of the person who is narrating the song. When I looked up my girlfriend was crying because she thought I was about to propose [laughs] which I wasn't. I felt horrible. I eventually did though.
[Source: Marc Cohn's Live Chat on Facebook Dec 15, 2017]

"Here's a tune that I wrote in the back seat of a cab going to meet my girlfriend. I'd been living with her for about seven years and all she asked me the last three was, 'How come we're not yet?'" (female audience members murmur knowingly) "I didn't really have the answer and I wrote this before I knew that I was ready to be a married man. Songs kind of tell you where you're at sometimes. I sang this tune to her in the restaurant and I was excited because I thought it was a great lyric and she was excited because she thought it was a proposal." (laughter) "Men are scum!" (more laughter) "OK, I'm scum. But it worked out in the end. We did get married and we have a baby boy now, six months old." (lots of applause)
[Source: Cohn's introduction to "True Companion" when touring in 1991, quoted in:]

This one borders on "queasy sentimentality." Said Cohn: "It's the guy thinking in ideal terms. I was still so ambiguous about marriage when I wrote it that it was a sort of wish-fulfillment song. And to be honest, I've only slowly grown towards the sort of feelings the song is about. I'm still not there."
[Q MAGAZINE #65, 1992, quoted in:]
Valley of the Kings ... a parable set in ancient Egypt, where a prophet-like figure sells out, started out almost as telling my son a fable, but it's as much a cautionary tale for myself as it is for him."
Walk Through the World And he said that he realized when he was rehearsing this tune with his new guitarist, Kevin Berry, that it sounded similar to Mayer's "Waiting on the World to Change." "I'm on the verge of suing John Mayer's ass," Cohn joked. To prove his point, Cohn segued from his song into Mayer's.
Walking in Memphis Marc Cohns Comments on "Walking in Memphis"  

Die Alben mit eigenen Texten:

  1. Marc Cohn (1991) Marc Cohn
  2. The Rainy Season (1993) The Rainy season
  3. Burning the Daze (1998)          Burning the Daze
  4. Join the Parade (2007)                      Join the Parade
  5. Careful What You Dream: Lost Songs and Rarities (2016)Careful What You Dream

  6. Marc Cohn (1991)

    Marc Cohn

    z.B. bei AMAZON kaufen:

    Walking in Memphis Marc Cohn Marc Cohn (1991) VideoSpotify
    Ghost train Marc Cohn Marc Cohn (1991) VideoSpotify
    Silver thunderbird Marc Cohn Marc Cohn (1991) VideoSpotify
    Dig down deep Marc Cohn Marc Cohn (1991) VideoSpotify
    Walk on water Marc Cohn Marc Cohn (1991) VideoSpotify
    Miles away Marc Cohn Marc Cohn (1991) VideoSpotify
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    Strangers in a car Marc Cohn Marc Cohn (1991) VideoSpotify
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    Perfect love Marc Cohn Marc Cohn (1991) VideoSpotify
    True companion Marc Cohn Marc Cohn (1991) VideoSpotify

    The Rainy Season (1993)

    The Rainy season

    z.B. bei AMAZON kaufen:

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    Paper walls Marc Cohn The Rainy Season (1993) VideoSpotify
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    Burning the Daze (1998)

    Burning the Daze

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    Guitar Chords, Cohn's Comments and Talking Points etc. for Marc Cohn'c Song "Olana"

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    "Dear Emily Sarane" by Marc Cohn pp.63-72
    in: Songs without rhyme: prose by celebrated songwriters / edited by Rosanne Cash
    Hyperion | 2001
    "Each piece is paired with the song lyric that inspired it."
    Intimate Portrait of is then 5-year-old daughter Emily by Marc Cohn (German translation)

    Suchen bei AMAZON.COM,, AMAZON.DE,

    Join the Parade (2007):

    Join the Parade

    z.B. bei AMAZON kaufen:

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    Join the Parade: Lyrics und Übersetzungen ins Deutsche

    Listening Booth: 1970 (2010)

    Listening Booth: 1970

    z.B. bei AMAZON kaufen:

    1. Wild World
    2. Look at Me
    3. Maybe I'm Amazed
    4. Make It with You
    5. The Letter
    6. The Only Living Boy in New York
    7. After Midnight
    8. The Tears of a Clown
    9. No Matter What
    10. New Speedway Boogie
    11. Into the Mystic
    12. Long As I Can See the Light
    13. Close to You - (Barnes & Noble exclusive edition bonus track)
    14. Signed, Sealed, Delivered I’m Yours - (iTunes Bonus Track)
    The CD "Playlist 1970" is identical and includes both bonus tracks (cf. CDUniverse) or only "Signed..." (cf.

    Listening Booth: 1970 - Vergleich von Vorbild und Cohn-Cover

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    Look at Me John Lennon Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Make It with You Bread Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Maybe I'm Amazed Paul McCartney Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    New Speedway Boogie Grateful Dead Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    No Matter What Badfinger Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Signed Sealed Delivered I'm Yours Stevie Wonder Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    The Letter Joe Cocker Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    The Letter The Box Tops Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    The Only Living Boy in New York Paul Simon Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    The Tears of a Clown Smokey Robinson Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Wild World Cat Stevens Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH

    The Coldest Corner in the World (2014)

    The Coldest Corner in the World
    The Coldest Corner in the World Marc Cohn The Coldest Corner in the World (2014) VideoSpotify

    Careful What You Dream: Lost Songs and Rarities (2016):

    Careful What You Dream

    z.B. bei AMAZON, ITUNES , Marc Cohn's Online-Store kaufen:

    Maestro Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    Nowhere Fast Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    From the Faraway Nearby Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    Chilly Wind Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    The Color of Monday Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    The Good in Everyone Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    Hold on for Me Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    Be Here Now Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    No Love Lost Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    Street of Windows Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    Silent Movie Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify
    Careful What You Dream Marc Cohn Careful What You Dream (2016) VideoSpotify

    Marc Cohn's Comments on "Careful What You Dream: Lost Songs and Rarities" (2016)

    SONG MARC COHN'S COMMENTS (mostly from his FACEBOOK pages) MISCELLANEOUS Suche Suche
    Maestro George Szell, the late great conductor of The Cleveland Orchestra was our next-door neighbor when I was growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, in the 60’s. My older brother’s bedroom faced his music room, and you could hear Szell (especially during the summertime with the windows open) running through phrases on his piano of a symphony or concerto that he was getting ready to conduct. Magical. He is Maestro. [Facebook]

    It's literally about a real guy named George Szell who most people out there may not have heard of, but he was a really famous conductor on the level of Toscanini and Bernstein, just a little less famous. He was a conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra and happened to be our next door neighbor in Cleveland, Ohio. One of my oldest brother's rooms faced across the driveway, the Szell driveway, to Szell's music room. If we opened the windows in summer, we could hear him practicing at the piano, phrases from concertos or symphonies that he was preparing to conduct. It was magical. It was just one of those things. I didn't know anything about classical music, but there was this maestro living next to us practicing. So I wrote this song about my memories of listening to him at night at his piano playing this beautifully dynamic gorgeous music. He had a crush on my mother and my stepmother, so he gave us tickets, his box seats, to hear his concerts. So I was at these classical concerts maybe two to three Friday nights a month and I think I did learn something about dynamics from those shows. My songs have a lot of up and down: Things get quiet, they get loud, they get quiet again and I really love that about music and I think it's possible I picked that up from the classical music I listened to. But that would be about it cause I cannot read or write a note so that's it. [Interview by Robin Milling for Blog Talk Radio on June 29, 2016]
    George Szell was nicknamed "Dr. Cyclops" by his Cleveland Orchestra musicians, after a 1940s horror movie villain. [Source: George Szell: A Life of Music by Michael Charry] 

    Marc's family lived on Larchmere Blvd then and another neighbor was Cleveland mayor Carl Stokes. [Source: Michael Heaton, The Plain Dealer]
    Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Nowhere Fast This song isn’t completely unknown due to the fact that other versions … most of them live I think … were released as B-sides way back when. I’m pretty sure no one has ever heard this version though, since I can’t remember a thing about it. Really wish I could tell you who wrote the lovely arrangement for strings and woodwinds, but nothing about this session was written down on the DAT. [Facebook]

    Heavily influenced by Springsteen. I hear a lot of Bruce in that song in terms of the chord progressions and the lyric, which is a very romantic song, sad, but romantic, I think, in the end. That song is probably 30 years old. I don't remember what inspired it, probably my girlfriend at the time. [Interview by Robin Milling for Blog Talk Radio on June 29, 2016]
    A live recording of "Nowhere Fast" from a concert in Hamburg, Germany, on October 16, 1991, appeared on an bootleg CD released by Pluto Records (Italy) in September of 1992 called 'The American Landscape'.

    This recording was also track 4 on the limited edition, two disc, 8 song, United Kingdom release of 'Walk Through the World' (1993). 
    Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    From the Faraway Nearby The sudden and unexpected death of my mother (when I was 2) was the most pivotal and tragic event of my life. Songwriting has long been one of the ways that I’ve tried to come to terms with and mourn her loss. “Ghost Train” was the last song I wrote for my first record, but not the first (by far) to deal with that theme. If I hadn’t written “Ghost Train” in the 11th hour of recording, some version of this song probably would have made it on to the record. The title comes from the name of a painting by Georgia O’Keefe. [Facebook]

    It is about my mother's death or loss. One of my older brothers, it's always been one of his favorite songs of mine and he's been telling me for years: "How come you've never put Faraway Nearby on a record?" Now it's there. Now he's happier. [Interview by Robin Milling for Blog Talk Radio on June 29, 2016]
    Far Away Nearby was included as a previously unreleased b-side on the limited edition, numbered, United Kingdom digi-pack single release of 'Silver Thunderbird' (1991).  Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Chilly Wind This one still holds up for me and I’ve started playing it at some of my recent concerts. It’s primarily about my maternal grandmother who suffered and struggled with a singularly horrible fate: outliving her only daughter. I like the simplicity and honesty of this performance, although I apparently hadn’t written the third verse yet when we recorded this demo. Blow on Chilly Wind (with the third verse) was included as a previously unreleased b-side on the limited edition, numbered, United Kingdom digi-pack single release of 'Silver Thunderbird' (1991). Also on "In New York (Live 1992)" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    The Color of Monday Co-written with Chris Palmaro, a collaborator of mine back in the day. Chris is a brilliant musician, but the production of this song (and many others at the time) taught me a lot about how I didn’t want my records to sound: an invaluable lesson. Programmed drums and certain keyboard sounds may have sounded “modern” at the time, but I knew eventually, for me, they would sound dated. I like the economy and simplicity of the lyrics though, and Chris wrote some beautiful changes. Music Video by Marc Cohn's daughter Emily Cohn Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    The Good in Everyone Pretty sure I wrote this one a few days after “Walking In Memphis.”   Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Hold on for Me I think this one almost made it on to the first record. An interesting and fully produced relic from the vaults.   Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Be Here Now Another song about the loss of my mother. I had forgotten about this one entirely and it stopped me in my tracks the first time Ben [engineer Ben Wisch] and I listened to it a few months ago.   Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    No Love Lost Lyrically, this deals with my old conflicted feelings about my hometown of Cleveland. Too much loss and tragedy had happened there. Too many ghosts. Musically, this is me trying to sing like Gerry Rafferty and play like Joni Mitchell. Copying your heroes turns out to be an important step on the path to slowly finding your own voice.   Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Street of Windows The title comes from a fictitious place mentioned in “Love In The Time Of Cholera” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Wrote it about my girlfriend at the time who later became my first wife. Heavily influenced by Van the Man [Van Morrison], which was the main reason I didn’t include it on my debut [Cohn’s first CD “Marc Cohn” (1991)]. Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Chapter Two: "Florentino Ariza, on the other hand, had not stopped thinking of her for a single moment since Fermina Daza had rejected him out of hand after a long and troubled love affair fifty-one years, nine months, and four days ago. He did not have to keep a running tally, drawing a line for each day on the walls of a cell, because not a day had passed that something did not happen to remind him of her. At the time of their separation he lived with his mother, Transito Ariza, in one half of a rented house on the Street of Windows, where she had kept a notions shop ever since she was a young woman, and where she also unraveled shirts and old rags to sell as bandages for the men wounded in the war." Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Silent Movie     Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Careful What You Dream This sounds more like a work tape I made in my apartment than a studio recording. I wasn’t a father yet when I wrote it, but the third verse in particular sounds like something I would write for my children today. Years later, I used the music and lyrics from the first verse of this tune and turned it into a completely different song called “My Great Escape” for a movie called “The Cure.” Fans have been asking me to release that song for years, and maybe I will when my record “The Rainy Season” turns 25, since “The Cure” recordings were done in 1993 or ’94 I think. In the meantime, this is where “My Great Escape” originally came from. [From Facebook]

    When Cohn went through his archives and gave that song a fresh listen, he discovered he had used some of the verses for a song titled “My Great Escape” that he wrote for the 1995 movie “The Cure.” As he recited the lyrics during an interview, Cohn reflected on what he was thinking about back in his late 20s. Although not a parent at the time, Cohn, now 56, said the lyrics now feel like words of advice from a parent to a child. “It’s sort of a cautionary tale, but an ironic one, because obviously the best thing you can do is have your dream come true,” said Cohn, now a father of four. “But sometimes there’s a price.” [Source:]
    Stanzas 1 and 2 of "Careful What You Dream" appear as stanzas 3 and 4 in "My Great Escape" Video NEUVideo GLEICH

    Careful What You Dream: Lyrics und Übersetzungen ins Deutsche

    Evolution of a Record (2016):

    Evolution of a Record
    Walking in Memphis (Orig Piano / Vocal Demo) Marc Cohn Evolution of a Record (2016) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis (Early Demo with Band and Alternate Outro Version 1) Marc Cohn Evolution of a Record (2016) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis (Early Demo with Band and Alternate Outro Version 2) Marc Cohn Evolution of a Record (2016) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis (Early Piano/Vocal Demo with Meditation Intro) Marc Cohn Evolution of a Record (2016) VideoSpotify
    Walk on Water (Early Demo with Band) Marc Cohn Evolution of a Record (2016) VideoSpotify
    True Companion (Original Piano / Vocal Demo) Marc Cohn Evolution of a Record (2016) VideoSpotify

    Work to Do (2019)

    Work to Do
    Label: BMG
    Neue eigene Songs: Talk Back Mic, Work To Do
    Gospels: Walking In Jerusalem, Amazing Grace

    Marc Cohn and Blind Boys Of Alabama Walking In Jerusalem Album "Work to Do" (August 09, 2019) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn and Blind Boys Of Alabama Talk Back Mic Album "Work to Do" (August 09, 2019) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn and Blind Boys Of Alabama Work To Do Album "Work to Do" (August 09, 2019) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn and Blind Boys Of Alabama Ghost Train Album "Work to Do" (August 09, 2019) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn and Blind Boys Of Alabama Baby King Album "Work to Do" (August 09, 2019) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn and Blind Boys Of Alabama Listening To Levon Album "Work to Do" (August 09, 2019) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn and Blind Boys Of Alabama Silver Thunderbird Album "Work to Do" (August 09, 2019) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn and Blind Boys Of Alabama Amazing Grace Album "Work to Do" (August 09, 2019) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn and Blind Boys Of Alabama Walking in Memphis Album "Work to Do" (August 09, 2019) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn and Blind Boys Of Alabama One Safe Place Album "Work to Do" (August 09, 2019) Video NEUVideo GLEICH

    The Very Best of Marc Cohn

    Very Best of
    Label: Atlantic
    Nicht auf den ersten 3 Alben: Fallen Angels, One Safe Place

    Walking in Memphis Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    True companion Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Silver thunderbird Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Ghost train Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Perfect love Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Dig down deep Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Walk through the world Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    The rainy season Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Rest for the weary Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Paper walls Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    The things we've handed down Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Lost you in the canyon Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Saints preserve us Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Olana Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Turn on your radio Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Fallen angels Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Healing hands Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    One safe place (Live) Marc Cohn The Very Best of Marc Cohn VideoSpotify

    Live 04*05 (2005)

    Live 04*05
    Label: United Musicians
    Where and when was this recorded?

    Lost You In The Canyon Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    Paper Walls Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    The Rainy Season Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    She's Becoming Gold Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    Olana Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    Walking In Memphis Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    You're A Shadow Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    Dig Down Deep Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    Silver Thunderbird Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    Walk Through The World Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    True Companion Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    The Things We've Handed Down Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify
    One Safe Place Marc Cohn Live 04*05 VideoSpotify

    Join the Parade: Live EP (2008)

    Join the Parade: Live EP
    Where and when was this recorded?

    Live Out The String [Live] Marc Cohn Join the Parade: Live EP VideoSpotify
    Listening to Levon [Live] Marc Cohn Join the Parade: Live EP VideoSpotify
    Giving Up The Ghost [Live] Marc Cohn Join the Parade: Live EP VideoSpotify
    My Sanctuary [Live] Marc Cohn Join the Parade: Live EP VideoSpotify
    Walking In Memphis [Live] Marc Cohn Join the Parade: Live EP VideoSpotify

    Bootleg: The American Landscape (2015)

    Bootleg: The American Landscape
    Pluto Records (Italy) Sep 1992
    Concert at Musikhalle in Hamburg, Germany on October 16, 1991

    Strangers In A Car Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Nowhere Fast Marc Cohn cf. Careful What You Dream VideoSpotify
    Walking In Memphis Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Ghost Train Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Blow On Chilly Wind Marc Cohn cf. Careful What You Dream VideoSpotify
    29 Ways Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Perfect Love Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Rest For The Weary Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Isn´t That So Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Dig Down Deep Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Silver Thunderbird Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    The Things We Haven't Done Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Fever Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Take Me to Hamburg Marc Cohn Impro VideoSpotify
    Saving The Best For Last Marc Cohn VideoSpotify

    In New York - Live 1992 (2015)

    In New York - Live 1992
    Jazzwerkstatt gUG
    Really a recording of a concert at Musikhalle in Hamburg, Germany on October 16, 1991, see above ??

    Ghost Train Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Rest For The Weary Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Nowhere Fast Live 1992 Marc Cohn cf. Careful What You Dream VideoSpotify
    Walking In Memphis Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Blow On Chilly Wind Live 1992 Marc Cohn cf. Careful What You Dream VideoSpotify
    Strangers In A Car Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Fever Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    29 Ways Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Perfect Love Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Dig Down Deep Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Silver Thunderbird Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    The Things We've Handed Down Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Isn´t That So Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Saving The Best For Last Live 1992 Marc Cohn VideoSpotify

    Live In Minneapolis '91 (2016):

    Live In Minneapolis '91
    Live from Lake Harriet Bandshell, Minneapolis on September 13th 1991
    Label: ECHOES

    Strangers In A Car Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Silver Thunderbird Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Walking In Memphis Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Ghost Train Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Twenty-Nine Ways Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Street Of Windows Marc Cohn cf. Careful What You Dream VideoSpotify
    Perfect Love Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Into The Mystic Marc Cohn cf. Listening Booth: 1970 VideoSpotify
    Isn’t That So Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Dig Down Deep Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    True Companion Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Saving The Best For Last Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    The Things We’ve Handed Down Marc Cohn VideoSpotify
    Tupelo Honey Marc Cohn Van-Morrison-Cover VideoSpotify

    Weitere von Marc Cohn gecoverte Songs

    Vergleich von Vorbild und Cohn-Cover

    TITEL INTERPRET Vorbild Vorbild Cohn-Cover Cohn-Cover
    29 Ways Willie Dixon Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Another Lullaby Art Garfunkel Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    At Last Etta James Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Belfast to Boston James Taylor Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Brown Eyed Girl Van Morrison Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Crazy Love Van Morrison Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Fever Little Willie John Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Fly Me to the Moon Frank Sinatra Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    For Free Joni Mitchell Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Girl from the North Country Bob Dylan Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Honky Cat Elton John Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    I Don't Worry 'bout a Thing Mose Allison Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    I feel lucky Mary Chapin Carpenter Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You Tom Waits Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Isn't it a Pity Billy Preston Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Isn't That So Jesse Winchester Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Lean on me Bill Withers Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Ma'oz Tzur (Rock of Ages) Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Moondance Van Morrison Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Moon River Audrey Hepburn Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    National Anthem Star-Spangled Banner Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Ohio Neil Young Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Out in the Woods Leon Russell Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Right on Time Randy Travis Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Ruby Tuesday The Rolling Stones Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours Stevie Wonder Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    The Hard Way Mary Chapin Carpenter Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    These Days Jackson Browne Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Too Many Angels Jackson Browne Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Tower of Song Leonard Cohen Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Tupelo Honey Van Morrison Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Turn on Your Radio Harry Nilsson Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Two of Us Beatles Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH
    Wild Horses The Rolling Stones Video NEUVideo GLEICHVideo NEUVideo GLEICH

    MarcCohn: More Covers auf Coverinfo?
    MarcCohn: More Covers auf coversproject?

    Marc Cohn: Various Original Songs (u.a. B-Sides, Bonus-Tracks, Movie-Soundtracks)

    Marc Cohn 99 Problems Youtube: Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Angel Song 1991 B-Side of "Silver Thunderbird" Single Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Burning Bed Bonus track of "Burning the Daze" in Japan Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Emily From the soundtrack of the TV series "The Mind of the Married Man" 2001-2002 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Fallen Angels From the 1999 movie "Message in a Bottle" / Very Best of Marc Cohn Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Hamburg Impro 2016 Concert Hamburg 2016 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn I Surrender Crosby & Nash Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Man of the World From the TV series "Mad about you - the final frontier" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn My Great Escape From the 1995 Peter Horton film "The Cure" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Old Soldier From the 1992 4-track EPCD which also included "Walk Through The World" / on 1992 summer Olympics album "Barcelona Gold" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn One Rock and Roll Too Many From the 1987 musical "Starlight Express" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn One Safe Place From the CD "The Very Best of Marc Cohn" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn One Thing of Beauty From the 1992 4-track EPCD which also included "Walk Through The World" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Paint You a Picture 2015 Song Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn unnamed new song 2015 Song Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Pumping Iron From the 1987 musical "Starlight Express" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Right on Time From Jerry Douglas 2012 CD "Traveler" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn She's Made of Yesterdays Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Take Me to Hamburg From the bootleg "The American Landscape" recorded live during 1991 European Tour Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn The Coldest Corner in the World From the 2015 feature documentary "Tree Man" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn The Days Bonus track of "Burning the Daze" in Japan/UK CD single of "Already Home" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn The Heart of the City 1986 single Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Three Steps Down From the soundtrack of the TV series "The Mind of the Married Man" 2001-2002 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn You're a Shadow iTunes bonus track of "Join the Parade" (2007), Live 04*05 Video NEUVideo GLEICH

    Marc Cohn: Coffee Break Concert July 6, 1977 (Live)

    (when Marc had just turned 18) Does anybody have the lyrics or is anybody able to transcribe the bad quality recordings? (except for "Bits and Pieces")

    INTERPRET SONG Suche Suche
    Marc Cohn Wooden Woman Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Closer to the End Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Bits and Pieces Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Simone Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn 5th of July Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Love Song No. 1 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Fine Lines Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn The Song of Yes and Amen Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Love Song No. 2 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Along the Acorn Trail Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Crosses Video NEUVideo GLEICH

    Lyrics of Marc Cohn's Coffee Break Concert

    Marc Cohn: Co-Writer (Lyrics?)

    Blind Boys Of Alabama Stay on the Gospel Side Album "Almost Home" (August 18, 2017) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Blind Boys Of Alabama Let My Mother Live Album "Almost Home" (August 18, 2017) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Blind Boys Of Alabama God Knows Everything Album "Almost Home" (August 18, 2017) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    David Crosby Paint You A Picture Album "Lighthouse" (Oct 21, 2016) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    William Bell The Three of Me Album "This Is Where I Live" (08 Jul 2016) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    William Bell Poison In The Well Album "This Is Where I Live" (08 Jul 2016) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    William Bell More Rooms Album "This Is Where I Live" (08 Jul 2016) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    William Bell All The Things You Can't Remember Album "This Is Where I Live" (08 Jul 2016) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    William Bell Mississippi-Arkansas Bridge Album "This Is Where I Live" (08 Jul 2016) Video NEUVideo GLEICH

    Lyrics Marc Cohn Wrote for Others

    Marc Cohn: Movie-Soundtracks

    Marc Cohn Already Home From the soundtrack of the ZDF TV series "Verwirrung des Herzens" 1997 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Emily From the soundtrack of the TV series "The Mind of the Married Man" 2001-2002 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Fallen Angels From the 1999 movie "Message in a Bottle"/"Der Beginn einer großen Liebe" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Healing Hands From the TV series "Emergency Room" 1996 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Healing Hands Army Wives, S2, E18, Departures Arrivals, Oct 26, 2008 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Healing Hands Dawson's Creek, S1, E5 Hurricane, Feb 17, 1998 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Healing Hands Dawson's Creek, S6, E24 Must Come to an End, May 14, 2003 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn I Hope That I Don't Fall in Love With You From the 2004 movie "The Prince and Me"/"Der Prinz & ich" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Listening to Levon Brothers and Sisters, S2, E11, The Missionary Imposition, Feb 10, 2008 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Man of the World From the 2004 movie "The Prince and Me"/"Der Prinz & ich" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn My Great Escape From the 1995 Peter Horton film "The Cure"/"Mississippi - Fluss der Hoffnung" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn One Safe Place From the 2005 film "The Upside of Anger"/"An deiner Schulter" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn One Safe Place From the 2006 TV series "Dr. House" / "House M.D.", Staffel 2-221 “Schlechter Scherz (2)” / “Euphoria (2)” Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn The Coldest Corner in the World From the 2015 feature documentary "Tree Man" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn The Things We've Handed Down From the TV series "Providence" (1999-2002) / American sitcom "Mad about You" (1992-1999) Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn True Companion Felicity, S1, E5, Spooked, Oct 27, 1998 Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Walk Through the World From the 1994 German ZDF series "Nur Eine Kleine Affaire" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn Walking in Memphis From the 1998 film "Finding Graceland"/"Unterwegs mit Elvis" Video NEUVideo GLEICH
    Marc Cohn You're a Shadow From the 2007 film "Reign over Me"/"Die Liebe in mir" Video NEUVideo GLEICH

    MarcCohn: More Soundtracks auf imdb?

    Covers von Marc-Cohn-Songs auf Soundcloud

    Ellis Island Orange DriveSoundcloud
    Ghost Train BenCoshSoundcloud
    Ghost Train Leo ParcoeurSoundcloud
    Ghost Train SteveDeVoirSoundcloud
    Ghost Train The Dear AbbeysSoundcloud
    Listening to Levon Seth A. CampbellSoundcloud
    Lost you in the Canyon CJCouchoisSoundcloud
    Old Soldier BenCoshSoundcloud
    One Safe Place Justin Plays GuitarSoundcloud
    One Safe Place Miss HootSoundcloud
    One Safe Place NettlesmithSoundcloud
    Rainy Season BenCoshSoundcloud
    She's Becoming Gold RobertBakerAcousticSoundcloud
    Silver Thunderbird Jerry FieldSoundcloud
    Silver Thunderbird Ken LoredoSoundcloud
    Strangers in a Car Ben GochbergSoundcloud
    Strangers in a Car BenCoshSoundcloud
    Strangers in a Car James ClarkSoundcloud
    Strangers in a Car jeknickfanSoundcloud
    Strangers in a Car PhoebeLastSoundcloud
    The Things We've Handed Down Harry BeallSoundcloud
    Things We've Handed Down Jeremy SassoonSoundcloud
    Things We've Handed Down Lir MusicSoundcloud
    Things We Have Handed Down Rehan Abdul AzizSoundcloud
    Things We Handed Down Ric AllendorfSoundcloud
    True Companion Christof JeppssonSoundcloud
    True Companion Greg McFallSoundcloud

    Professionelle Covers von Marc-Cohn-Songs

    Already Home Opportunity Travel On (2013) VideoSpotify
    Already Home Susan Anton One Night (2000) VideoSpotify
    Angelsong nur wir () VideoSpotify
    Baby King Arnold McCuller Back to Front (2002) VideoSpotify
    Baby King Kathy Mattea Joy for Christmas Day (2003) VideoSpotify
    Baby King Tonic Sol-Fa On Top of the World (2006) VideoSpotify
    Dance Back Johnny Goldstein An Elegy For the Lost City, Chapter 1 (2015) VideoSpotify
    Dig Down Deep Melissa Gibson Under Their Influence (2005) VideoSpotify
    Ellis Island JonMeyer The Singles (2011) VideoSpotify
    Ellis Island Orange Drive (2013) VideoSpotify
    Ghost Train Dear Abbeys Abbeys Road (2007) VideoSpotify
    Da letzte Zug (Ghost Train) d'bänd Es geht si immer aus (2013) VideoSpotify
    Ghost Train Iron Hand (2017) VideoSpotify
    Ghost Train Jonathan Kingham Smooth Out the Lines (2010) VideoSpotify
    Ghost Train Nick 'n Neal Two Separate Gorillas (2000) VideoSpotify
    Ghost Train Opportunity Backstage (2002) VideoSpotify
    Ghost Train The Baudboys Hello World (2009) VideoSpotify
    Ghost Train The Bison Chips Lime Me (2011) VideoSpotify
    Girl of Mysterious Sorrow Mr.Jakes (2010) VideoSpotify
    I Surrender Crosby and Nash Crosby and Nash (2003) VideoSpotify
    If I Were an Angel Opportunity SHINE (2009) VideoSpotify
    Listening to Levon Forest Fox (2014) VideoSpotify
    Medicine Man Eric Burdon 'Til Your River Runs Dry (2013) VideoSpotify
    Old Soldier David Crosby Thousand Roads (1993) VideoSpotify
    Old Soldier CPR Live at the Wiltern (1999) VideoSpotify
    One Safe Place Slizzy Bob Love is all around (2013) VideoSpotify
    One Safe Place Ron Meyers Memory Lane (2007) VideoSpotify
    One Safe Place Nick McAlley The Dancing Wolf (2010) VideoSpotify
    Paper Walls Arnold McCuller Back to Front (2002) VideoSpotify
    Paper Walls Opportunity 8:30 pm (2000) VideoSpotify
    Perfect Love Frankie and Anthony (2010) VideoSpotify
    Rest for the Weary Ones Frankie and Anthony (2010) VideoSpotify
    Silver Thunderbird Charlie Barker Ghosts & Heroes (2011) VideoSpotify
    Silver Thunderbird Full Frontal Folk Storming the Castle (2002) VideoSpotify
    Silver Thunderbird Jo Dee Messina I'm alright (1998) VideoSpotify
    Silver Thunderbird Slizzy Bob Subtle Flavor (2007) VideoSpotify
    Silver Thunderbird The Duke's Men What a Trip (2011) VideoSpotify
    Silver Thunderbird The Legal Tender band Rural Delivery RD1 (2005) VideoSpotify
    Strangers in a Car Brad Simmons (2014) VideoSpotify
    Strangers in a Car MrWHASP VideoSpotify
    Strangers in a Car Saidowski and Paul VideoSpotify
    The Rainy Season Deborah Lippman Nightingale (2004) VideoSpotify
    The Things We've Handed Down Anthony Miltich Sound Mind (2010) VideoSpotify
    The Things We've Handed Down Art Garfunkel Songs from a parent to a child (1997) VideoSpotify
    The Things We Handed Down Briana Corrigan Redbird (2012) VideoSpotify
    The Things We've Handed Down Carol Lang Hopes & Dreams (2013) VideoSpotify
    Things We've Handed Down Fester Spunk Fester Spunk's Tech Tonic (2014) VideoSpotify
    The Things We've Handed Down James Steensma Even in the Quietest Moments (2002) VideoSpotify
    The Things We've Handed Down Jeremy Sassoon The Things We've Handed Down (2014) VideoSpotify
    Things We've Handed Down John Gorka Down at the Sea Hotel (2007) VideoSpotify
    The Things We've Handed Down John Wright John Wright Band Live (2001) VideoSpotify
    The Things We've Handed Down Nathan O'Regan (2013) VideoSpotify
    Things We've Handed Down Susan Anton The Things We've Handed Down (1995) et al. VideoSpotify
    Things We've Handed Down Tommy Fleming Voice of Hope (2005) VideoSpotify
    Three Steps Down Rosanne Cash Rules of Travel (2003) VideoSpotify
    True Companion Adrienne Barbeau Adrienne Barbeau (2004) VideoSpotify
    True Companion Bernie Townsend The Day Before You (2015) VideoSpotify
    True Companion Bombilates Popular Song Covers - Vol. 8 (2014) VideoSpotify
    True Companion Drew's Famous Drew's Famous First Dance (2003) VideoSpotify
    True Companion Ewald Coleske (2010) VideoSpotify
    True Companion Greg McFall VideoSpotify
    True Companion Jonesin' Self Debuting Album (2005) VideoSpotify
    True Companion The Bison Chips Lime Me (2011) VideoSpotify
    True Companion Tommy Fleming Voice of Hope (2014) VideoSpotify
    Valley of the Kings Georg Nussbaumer Five Mess More (2015) VideoSpotify
    Valley of the Kings Todd Wolfe Miles to Go (2013)(German edition only) VideoSpotify
    Walk through this World Danny Gans Brand New Dream (2000) VideoSpotify
    Walk through this World Don Mellow Hits of the 90th (2012) VideoSpotify
    Walk through the World With Me Joe Cocker Fire it up (Premium Edition)(2012) VideoSpotify
    Walk through this World Timo Gross Landmarks (2013) VideoSpotify

    Professionelle Covers von "Walking in Memphis" [Selection]

    Memphis 8ball and MJG Ridin' High (2006) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Aaron Bayley Aaron Bayley (2003) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Alexander Remus and Juri Rother VideoSpotify
    I wockl durch Meidling Alkbottle Trivialkbottle (1997) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Amy Lowe Everything You Touch (2009) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Ari-West This New Freedom (2006) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Back in Stride (2000) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Barb Jungr Walking in the Sun (2006) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Barrett Baber The Voice: The Complete Season 9 Collection (2015) VideoSpotify
    Zeven dagen in Memphis Bert Heerink Net op tijd (2000) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Brandi Lyle Brandi Lyle (2007) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Calle Kristiansson Calle Kristiansson (2009) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Cher It's a Man's World (1995) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Dan Costello Strangest Places (2010) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Dark Lady Forever Cher (2005) VideoSpotify
    Ich laufe durch Memphis Die Rockys Zu Gast in Studio 4 (2000) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Edsilia Rombley Live (2009) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Eli Mattson Next 4 (2009) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Evil Foz (2003) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Forest Fox Troubadour VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Greger and Greger (1996) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis John Tesh Discovery (1996) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Joyce Cobb Beale Street Saturday Night (2006) VideoSpotify
    Touch Down (Walking in Memphis) Kay Ray Haarscharf - Vom Friseur zum Weltstar (2011) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Jesus Kevin Derryberry Journey Collection Vol 2 () VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Kikka Kikka Remix (1995) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Liam Isaac At Last (2012) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Life of the Party Best One-Hit Wonders of the 90's (2014) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Lonestar From There to Here: Greatest Hits (2003) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Lori Johnson Last Night at Europa (2004) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis MadHatters Friday after Class (2005) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Mark deRose Hear to Listen ( 2009) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Marty Dread VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Master Blaster feat.Rachel Hiew Walking In Memphis (2007) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Matt Tyler Undercover (2006) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Maurice Williams Tribute to Elvis, Doo Wop and Beach Music (2003) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs Doo-Wop Meets Beach Music (2012) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Memphis Rave Mafia VideoSpotify
    Es is so gfealich so schensis Mezzanin (2016) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Michael Ball This Time It's Personal (2003) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Michael Grimm Live (2007) VideoSpotify
    Marcher dans Memphis Michael Jones Prises & Reprises (2003) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Mitchell Anderson Single (2013) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Monkey Safari (2011) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Mr. Anderson VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Pat McGee Band Live at Bluebird Theatre on 1998-12-13 VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Paul Anka Classic Songs: My Way (2007) VideoSpotify
    In Memphis Polo Hofer / Die Schmetterband Silber, Gold & Perle (1992) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Richie Arndt Mississippi (2015) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Rodeofunk Walking in Memphis, Vinyl (2005) VideoSpotify
    I'm Raving Scooter Wicked! (1996) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Sean McDermott You're Not Alone (2011) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Skott Freedman Some Company (2003) VideoSpotify
    Gestern war gestern Stefan Gwildis Wünscht du wärst hier (2008) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Steve Acho (2006) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Steve Clisby Single (2013) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Steve Krause Broke Down Beautiful ( 2011) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Sugarland VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis The Bison Chips Apalling and Ridiculous (2004) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis The Country Dance Kings The Lonestar Tribute VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis The Harlem Gospel Singers Rock My Soul (2000) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis The Jailbirds The Jailbirds are back (2008) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis The Madison Letters Cover Sessions Vol I (2015) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Tim McDonald May I Live in Your World () VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Tom Jones (1995) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Tony Hadley Obsession (2000) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Tune Brothers feat. Ray Wilson (2015) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis University Of Michigan Dicks and Janes Best Of The Midwest 2000 - Live At Northwestern University VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Walt Ribeiro Every Song! (2014) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Wouter De Clerck Walking In Memphis, Maxi CD (2005) VideoSpotify
    Walking in Memphis Wully and the crazy Fiddler Liebesnacht der Glühwürmchen (2008) VideoSpotify

    Cover von "Walking in Memphis": Nachdichtungen, Neudichtungen und Parodien - Texte und Übersetzungen
    Materials on Marc Cohn's Song 'Walking in Memphis'

    Die Texte und Übersetzungen zu Marc Cohn befinden sich auf folgenden Seiten:
    A - F  |  G - O  |  P - S  |  T - Z  |  Join the Parade  |  Careful What You Dream  |  Various Songs  |  Covers  |  Lyrics Marc Cohn Wrote for Others

    Last Modification: March 07, 2025
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